The Comprehensive Cancer Center (CCC) Vienna awards young scientists with travel grants for renowned international Cancer-Congresses. Apply now and send your cover letter and your research project directly to the CCC at The CCC reimburses the travel costs, hotel accomodation and the congress fee up to 2000 Euro.
All medical doctors who engage in the fields of oncology as well as comitted students and young oncological scientists working at the Medical University of Vienna are eligible to apply for the CCC travel grants.
If you are interessted please send the completed application form until the submission deadline to or fax it to 01/40400-3942. Application form and further information can be obtained at:
Please note: The CCC can´t cover any travel-expenses that were prefinanced by other institutions.
CCC Open Call 2017
Choose your favorite congress!
6 Grants
Deadline: 30. June, 2017