Exemplarisch für unsere Forschungsarbeit möchten wir hier einige unserer Forscher:innen und ihre Arbeiten präsentieren.
Synthesis and Preclinical Evaluation of Radiolabeled [103Ru]BOLD-100

Happl, B., Brandt, M., Balber, T., Benčurová, K., Talip, Z., Voegele, A., Heffeter, P., Kandioller, W., Van der Meulen, N. P., Mitterhauser, M., Hacker, M., Keppler, B. K., & Mindt, T. L. (2023). Synthesis and Preclinical Evaluation of Radiolabeled [103Ru]BOLD-100. Pharmaceutics, 15(11), 2626. https://doi.org/10.3390/pharmaceutics15112626
Impact of BMI in Patients With Early Hormone Receptor-Positive Breast Cancer Receiving Endocrine Therapy With or Without Palbociclib in the PALLAS Trial

Pfeiler G, Hlauschek D, Mayer EL, Deutschmann C, Kacerovsky-Strobl S, Martin M, Meisel JL, Zdenkowski N, Loibl S, Balic M, Park H, Prat A, Isaacs C, Bajetta E, Balko JM, Bellet-Ezquerra M, Bliss J, Burstein H, Cardoso F, Fohler H, Foukakis T, Gelmon KA, Goetz M, Haddad TC, Iwata H, Jassem J, Lee SC, Linderholm B, Los M, Mamounas EP, Miller KD, Morris PG, Munzone E, Gal-Yam EN, Ring A, Shepherd L, Singer C, Thomssen C, Tseng LM, Valagussa P, Winer EP, Wolff AC, Zoppoli G, Machacek-Link J, Schurmans C, Huang X, Gauthier E, Fesl C, Dueck AC, DeMichele A, Gnant M; PALLAS Groups and Investigators. Impact of BMI in Patients With Early Hormone Receptor-Positive Breast Cancer Receiving Endocrine Therapy With or Without Palbociclib in the PALLAS Trial. J Clin Oncol. 2023 Nov 20;41(33):5118-5130. https://doi.org/10.1200/JCO.23.00126 . Epub 2023 Aug 9. PMID: 37556775.
Sustained Survival Benefit in Recurrent Medulloblastoma by a Metronomic Antiangiogenic Regimen: A Nonrandomized Controlled Trial

Peyrl, A., Chocholous, M., Sabel, M., Lassaletta, A., Sterba, J., Leblond, P., Nysom, K., Torsvik, I., Chi, S. N., Perwein, T., Jones, N., Holm, S., Nyman, P., Mörse, H., Öberg, A., Weiler-Wichtl, L., Leiss, U., Haberler, C., Schmook, M. T., Mayr, L., … Slavc, I. (2023). Sustained Survival Benefit in Recurrent Medulloblastoma by a Metronomic Antiangiogenic Regimen: A Nonrandomized Controlled Trial. JAMA oncology, 10.1001/jamaoncol.2023.4437. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1001/jamaoncol.2023.4437
Targeting YB-1 via entinostat enhances cisplatin sensitivity of pleural mesothelioma in vitro and in vivo

Schelch, K., Emminger, D., Zitta, B., Johnson, T. G., Kopatz, V., Eder, S., Ries, A., Stefanelli, A., Heffeter, P., Hoda, M. A., Hoetzenecker, K., Dome, B., Berger, W., Reid, G., & Grusch, M. (2023). Targeting YB-1 via entinostat enhances cisplatin sensitivity of pleural mesothelioma in vitro and in vivo. Cancer letters, 574, 216395. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.canlet.2023.216395
The Impact of Adjuvant Radiotherapy on Immediate Prepectoral Implant-Based Breast Reconstruction

Ostapenko, E., Nixdorf, L., Devyatko, Y., Exner, R., Wimmer, K., & Fitzal, F. (2023). The Impact of Adjuvant Radiotherapy on Immediate Prepectoral Implant-Based Breast Reconstruction. Aesthetic plastic surgery, 10.1007/s00266-023-03661-z. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00266-023-03661-z
Young oncologists' perspective on the role and future of the clinician-scientist in oncology

Lim, K. H. J., Westphalen, C. B., Berghoff, A. S., Cardone, C., Connolly, E. A., Güven, D. C., Kfoury, M., Kocakavuk, E., Mandó, P., Mariamidze, E., Matikas, A., Moutafi, M., Oing, C., Pihlak, R., Punie, K., Sánchez-Bayona, R., Sobczuk, P., Starzer, A. M., Tečić Vuger, A., Zhu, H., … Amaral, T. (2023). Young oncologists' perspective on the role and future of the clinician-scientist in oncology. ESMO open, 8(5), 101625. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.esmoop.2023.101625
Differences in future life expectancy of testicular germ-cell tumor patients vs. age-matched male population-based controls
Morra, S., Piccinelli, M. L., Cano Garcia, C., Tappero, S., Barletta, F., Incesu, R. B., Scheipner, L., Baudo, A., Tian, Z., Saad, F., Mirone, V., Califano, G., Colla' Ruvolo, C., Shariat, S. F., de Cobelli, O., Musi, G., Chun, F. K. H., Terrone, C., Briganti, A., Tilki, D., … Karakiewicz, P. I. (2023). Differences in future life expectancy of testicular germ-cell tumor patients vs. age-matched male population-based controls. International urology and nephrology, 10.1007/s11255-023-03763-2. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11255-023-03763-2
Explaining risks and benefits of loco-regional treatments to patients
Beltran-Bless, A. A., Kacerovsky-Strobl, S., & Gnant, M. (2023). Explaining risks and benefits of loco-regional treatments to patients. Breast (Edinburgh, Scotland), 71, 132–137. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.breast.2023.08.006
Mutational landscape of intestinal crypt cells after long-term in vivo exposure to high fat diet
Meyenberg, M., Hakobyan, A., Papac-Milicevic, N., Göderle, L., Langner, F. L., Markovic, M., Lee, J. H., Koo, B. K., Busslinger, G. A., da Silva, I. T., Binder, C. J., Menche, J., & Loizou, J. I. (2023). Mutational landscape of intestinal crypt cells after long-term in vivo exposure to high fat diet. Scientific reports, 13(1), 13964. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-41123-3
LM02 trial Perioperative treatment with panitumumab and FOLFIRI in patients with wild-type RAS, potentially resectable colorectal cancer liver metastases-a phase II study
Piringer, G., Gruenberger, T., Thaler, J., Kührer, I., Kaczirek, K., Längle, F., Viragos-Toth, I., Amann, A., Eisterer, W., Függer, R., Andel, J., Pichler, A., Stift, J., Sölkner, L., Gnant, M., & Öfner, D. (2023). LM02 trial Perioperative treatment with panitumumab and FOLFIRI in patients with wild-type RAS, potentially resectable colorectal cancer liver metastases-a phase II study. Frontiers in oncology, 13, 1231600. https://doi.org/10.3389/fonc.2023.1231600
Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors for Child-Pugh Class B Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Xie, E., Yeo, Y. H., Scheiner, B., Zhang, Y., Hiraoka, A., Tantai, X., Fessas, P., de Castro, T., D'Alessio, A., Fulgenzi, C. A. M., Xu, S., Tsai, H. M., Kambhampati, S., Wang, W., Keenan, B. P., Gao, X., Xing, Z., Pinter, M., Lin, Y. J., Guo, Z., … Ji, F. (2023). Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors for Child-Pugh Class B Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. JAMA oncology, e233284. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1001/jamaoncol.2023.3284